January has whizzed by and it's already February. The countdown to my next show, the Baltimore American Craft Council Show has begun. The few short weeks leading up to me leaving for a show is a time my husband and I affectionately call 'crunch time'. It's filled with a flurry of glass melting, jewelry making, ordering supplies, price tagging, packing, and shipping. This time it's also going to include finishing my wholesale catalog. If all goes well there are no meltdowns that involve me crying.
I always attempt to be focused, make a list of things I would like to make and go about making them. Sounds simple, right? Well for some reason, maybe being so focused and having to ignore my urges to go off in a new direction, I always end up wanting to go off in a new direction. I've learned from experience that right before a show is not the best time to be doing this. It's right after the show, when the pressures off, that is the best time. But I always find myself getting the best ideas right before the show!
At this point I've got at least one new idea I feel confident I can successfully pull off before the show, and now that I've decided to go for it there are two more ideas seriously bugging me to try. Sometimes when this happens I give into the reality of how little time I have to do too many things in. Sometimes I just can't. I wonder which it will be this time?????