Well it turns out that I only had time to pull off one of my ideas before I left for Baltimore, and it was just barely. I spent two days right before I left finishing my new flower pendants. I was hammering away, riveting TINY balled pins into the centers of my flowers, wondering if anyone had ever gone insane from hammering too many tiny things for too long. This is because in the excitement of creating a new design I often forget that if it takes me 20 minutes to complete one step of a piece, that it will take me 10 hours if I want to do 30.
I'm really happy that I did finish these. The idea has been bugging me for a long time and I just needed to finally do it. AND people really liked them and purchased them which is super gratifying. Some ladies even bought two. (Thank you!!!) There was one fleeting moment when I was hammering that I thought 'what if no one even buys one'. Luckily that's not how it went :)