I'm in love with this new earring design and can't wait to make a pair for myself as soon as I decide on a color! This is one of the ideas that was seriously bugging me to try it before I left for Baltimore. I'm really happy I didn't let it get away. The green and blue stripes in these beads turned out exceptionally well. Something I will attempt to recreate. Attempt is the key word here! To make the stripes I make something we bead makers call a stringer. This stringer has a white core. It is covered in a thin layer of transparent glass. Green at one end and blue at the other. They mix together in the center, which is where the magic happened for this pair of beads. I wrap the stringer onto a white core bead and then add the spots. Definitely a labor of love. Of course now I want to make a pair in each of the colors from the Aloha collection. What's new about these is the little hammered circles at the bottom of the pins and on the ear wires. It's such a simple idea, I don't know why I didn't think of it before! I really like the way the hammered circles compliment the spots on the beads. This tiny little change has given me other ideas I can hardly wait to try. That's how it goes. One idea leads to another and another and.......