The Puget Sound Bead Festival is just around the corner. It kinda snuck up on me, being so soon after Santa Monica. I haven't unpacked from the last show, the suitcases are still sitting in my living room, so I guess I'm all ready to go. I did get a wonderful vacation in after Santa Monica and then celebrated my 12 year wedding anniversary! My sister, my nieces and I took a road trip to Whistler, Canada to attend a dear friends wedding that I was a bridesmaid in. It was such a great wedding in the most beautiful place right on a lake. Wonder why my husband and kids weren't there? It is because they were at a dear friends wedding, where Robbie was a groomsman, in Port Townsend WA! Yes, two weddings, one day, in two countries, even at the same exact time. What are the chances of that happening? Once we were home I got right to work on this custom order. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and it was fun to work with gray, a color I don't usually use.
I'll be in booth #424 at the Puget Sound Bead Festival, hope to see you there!