The kids have been on winter break so I've been taking a break too. Beginning the day after Christmas, we went on a 5 day snowboarding marathon. Every day there was fresh, deep, dry wonderful snow to play in.
All I wanted for Christmas this year was tools for metalsmithing. Robbie got me a third hand and a set of files. I quickly spent all my Christmas money on tools, before I could spend it on bills.
I want to thank everyone SO much for supporting Larissa Spafford Designs in 2010. I am so grateful for each & every one of you that made purchases, gave compliments, encouraging words & shared stories. Even just taking a moment to stop by my craft fair booth, my website or my etsy shop is greatly appreciated.
I've had a great winter break and can not wait to get back into the studio when the boys go back to school this week. It feels like we've been on vacation for a really long time. There is only so long that I can go without doing anything creative!