Robbie the boys and I had a painting party. The color was a miss-tint from that we found at the Habitat for Humanity re-store. It was hard to tell what the color would look like from the tiny dot on the top of the can. I was a little worried that it was going to be way too mental institution green, but it ended up a beautiful turquoise blue. Robbie pointed out it's exactly the shade I would have picked from a paint chip and he was so right.
Robbie also built me a new glass rack AND a table for metalsmithing. The days of me taking over the kitchen counter with my jewelry work are happily over! I'm loving being able to leave a partly completed project out in the studio without it being endangered by a bouncing ball, stray nerf bullet, or tiny curious fingers.
I'm grateful that the lull in snowboarding gave me plenty of time to dream up new work and get started making some of them a reality. I'm hoping to have at least a few pieces finished for my two March shows. I'm very thankful that winter is back in full force and will be spending the next few weeks happily playing in the snow in the morning and working to finish new things in the studio in the afternoon and evening. Life is good. Very good.
My first show in March will be RAGS Wearable Art Sale & Show. Hope to see you there!!!!!