It all started with a package on our doorstep when we came home one evening. It was a candle to burn every night to count down the days till Christmas. It was pretty fun to get a surprise package from mysterious elves. We had no idea the presents would keep coming, but they did! Every day for the last 12 days. The elves are pretty sneaky. We never saw them. We only heard them once on the second night. We heard a little noise outside but didn't really think much of it since we were not expecting the presents to keep coming. Later when we opened our door there was another package. This time it was two gigantic stockings. Sometimes we would come home to a package on the doorstep or wake up to one in the morning. Every time it made us smile and laugh. Thank you Christmas Elves, whoever you are. We've got some suspicions about who it could be, but really don't know. It looks like today, at 3:33 we get to find out!

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