Tuesday, August 24, 2010

We had a wonderful time in San Francisco! The show was great and we had a lot of fun. Both my husband and I thought my booth looked better than ever.

I was happy to meet a customer who I've only spoke to briefly on the phone and through e mails. She was kind enough to bring necklaces that she has made with my beads and her pmc silver work. I always love to see what people do with my babies!
I took the last week off to relax before summer is over and the kids go back to school. Today I was planning on getting back to bead making. That didn't exactly work out!

This morning my husband asked our 7 year old to help with some chores. He was grumpily walking downstairs when he fell down them and hurt his arm. I guess that's one way to get out of chores! Luckily he's ok and back to his normal wrestling with his brother self.

From his wailing we were sure his arm must be broken and were ready to rush him to the ER. Lucky for me my husband is a lot calmer than I am in emergency situations. He's training for the ski patrol and used some of his new skills to assess him. Of course I went upstairs and burst into tears. I don't know if it was because I was worried for our son, or because we don't have health insurance. Probably a combination of both.

So instead of bead making today, I filled out the application for our kids to have health coverage. It's been sitting on my desk for way too long now. Ok, it's been at least 9 months. I needed to do months of accounting before I could finish it, so of course I've been putting it off. But I did it and it feels so good to be done with it. It's in the mail and I'm so relieved!

1 comment:

  1. Turns out we won the Oregon Health Plan Lottery! If you are an adult you literally need to be chosen from thousands of people just to be able to apply. I got a letter saying we were chosen and called to see if they could use the application I had just sent in for the kids. They told me we were all covered now. Kai would have even been covered if he would have needed to go to the hospital. Such a great surprise. I am one happy & relieved self employed artist/mom!!!!
